The digital catalog revolution

The digital catalog revolution
Digitalization means making less and less paper catalogs, which are replaced by digital brochures on tables or smartphones.
Why to leave printed catalogs
Paper catalogs, once published, are hard to update; printing costs are high, just like time spent making them; it’s inconvenient to bring them with you, because they are bulky and heavy; they show a standard view of your products, and they don’t let you put some extra content in them (links, audio, video, document interaction, interactive areas within the publication, etc.). Finally, this is not an eco-friendly choice.
Digitalizing allows to speed up and improve the creation of catalogs, save money and time for the making, and make the catalog browsable online and always updated and available (offline, too).
The digital catalog revolution
Tablets & Smartphones: efficient and powerful tools
Having the option to make digital catalogs, price lists, publications, flyers, manuals, documents, magazines (etc.) becomes essential and transforms your mobile device is a powerful and efficient marketing tool, which helps to:
1. Retain customers
2. Improve productivity
3. Make interactive the presentation of your products.
The digital catalog revolution
Making a digital catalog on Smartphones and Tablets
Creating a digital catalog on mobile devices mean to have a full-fledged mobile application that can be brought with any member of a company. This enables to interact “emotionally” with customers, showing your offer at its best.
According to your needs, the solutions are multiple. Among them:
Digital catalogs
Price lists
Flip-page magazines
Multimedia presentations
Company documentation
All data within the App can be managed automatically and efficiently by the company.
The digital catalog revolution
Provide the sales network an always-updated catalog
Any business with a sales force will need to invest many resources in letting sales agents have the right tools to show and sell products better.
Usually, using a classic paper catalog leads to high investments to design, make, print, and update it.
Thus, having a fully-digital catalog, it’s particularly efficient for sales agents, who will have all the information needed, always updated, and at their disposal. They will not have to think about retrieving last price updates and discounts.
Digital Catalogs Benefits
1. You always have an interactive and digital tool at your disposal
2. Make browsable and interactive presentations, continuously update and at your disposal
3. Tear down printing costs and share your documents with anybody
4. Offer extra multimedia contents within your publication (video, audio, links, interactive areas, etc.)
5. Save time and money
6. Manage all from one single place
7. Show your offer innovatively
8. It works offline, too
9. All date are stored in the cloud
10. Integrable with other business tools.
The digital catalog revolution
Digital Catalogue: usage examples
Some examples to better understand this technology’s potential:
1. Catalogs at disposal
You can bring your catalogs and slideshows with you to let your company or your products be known.
2. Interactive Press releases
You can collect articles and other company publications, to quickly create a press release always updated.
3. Datasheet on the move
You can collect and organize technical papers for the tech team, for example, to install a specific product. The team cat get all the information from anywhere.
4. Directly on your website
Publish your documents on your web portal, give life to your custom online library.
5. A Sales Force Automation tool
Order acquisition? Create your digital copy-committee, present your sales network a tool for a real mobile order fill-in (use Paginae from OS Enterprise)
Our Solution: Paginae
If you’re interested in creating your interactive digital catalog or you wish to get more information, write us or visit our dedicated website: Paginae.