Direct Marketing Techniques

Direct Marketing Techniques
Direct Marketing is crucial for any business. Now, how to create a successful newsletter? How to improve one’s performance?
A newsletter is an informative e-mail that a company sends through electronic mail.
Its content is variable but is usually made by information, news, offers, post about new products, recent blog articles, etc.
E-mail marketing is one of the most efficient direct marketing tools because it uses e-mails to establish a direct connection with a customer.
It’s better not to be too bold with the dispatch, to avoid having our communication ending in the Spam folder.
It is aimed at a database of contacts (clients that have previously subscribed to our newsletter), which is gold for any company.
Here’s some trick to avoid our newsletter to end up in the trashbin
– Magnetic subject line
E-mail with a short subject line have a better opening rate. Information must be complete but quick to read. This text string anticipates the newsletter’s content and helps the user to understand what’s inside the mail.
At this point, a client decided whether to open the mail or not.
Reading of subject line changes according to the device used (desktop or mobile, smartphone, or tablet); remember: the machine can cut subject line.
If text is kept short, we can add our brand’s name, taking a first step in our brand awareness.
– In a nutshell: Show, don’t tell!
No to mile-long e-mails that nobody reads, be persuasive but quick.
Show, don’t tell!
Direct Marketing Techniques
-Create urgency
Ask questions, suggest promotions with a deadline, and enlight that with a countdown. Create a feeling of urgency within a user, motivate his/her click.
-Perks, not features
You have to show the main perks of your products, not the features. So please don’t waste time describing your product’s characteristics, explain why I should buy it, what are the perks. A mere description doesn’t attract attention, say no to instructions and technicalities.
– Striking Design
Newsletter design is essential for both gather user attention and organize content, helps with reading, and supports the message we want to spread.
Direct Marketing Techniques
Use attractive pictures
Choose clear fonts with contrasting colors
Place Call to action (CTA) well
Use responsive templates
Enter recognizable links
Divide text in paragraphs
– Call to action (CTA)
CTA has to be clear and immediate and needs to show benefits our product has to offer. Avoid the “click here” claim.
– Communicative style
Create your style and the proper tone of voice to identify your brand.
– What to send
It’s vital to have an editorial plan, meaning a publication calendar, to decide what to post and when. To generate public interest, choose:
A brief overview of blog’s articles to read
Important news about you
Events and fairs you’re going to attend
In-depth themes
– Plan the dispatch
To get better results, it’s suggested to plan the newsletter delivery when users are more receptive. You can do some tests and use the statistics tool offered by any e-mail marketing software to check when a mailbox is usually open.
The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential parameters that help understand if what you sent is successful or not. Consider the aperture rate (how many users opened your newsletter). Even the so-called “through rate” is essential: the percentage of clicks on the call to action compared to sent e-mails.
Inbound marketing works: intrigue, use numbers, don’t promise falsity!